Part II: And Our Praise Will Lead Us Into The Future…
Dr. Robert F. Robinson, Sr., Pastor & Shepherd, 2004 - Present
Since becoming a member of Greater Faith Ministries in 1988, Dr. Robert F. Robinson, Sr.’s gift to work in the hospital ministry was birthed. Under the tutelage of Dr. Ronald R. McGrew, his gift began to flourish and he was able to expand to other areas of the ministry like spearheading the Feed the Hungry, which is still an annual event that has fed thousands of individuals since its inception in 1988. Adult Sunday School and Wednesday Night Bible Study, since their inception have now grown into lengthy question and answer counseling session that are taught by Dr. Robinson each week. Still carrying on the tradition established by Dr. McGrew over 30+ years ago, our Resurrection Sunday Break-Fast Breakfast has grown to a tremendous time of Worship to celebrate the resurrection of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ
As a church that established its foundation on faith; We Are the Church of The Living God, and it is by faith that we continue to build up our membership with every service. Dr. McGrew’s dream for Greater Faith was to own his very own building for the church and now under the present leadership of Dr. Robert F. Robinson, Sr., that dream has manifested into reality with the ownership at 6723 S. Western Avenue, in the city of Los Angeles. Since becoming Pastor in 2004, Dr. Robinson’s vision for Greater Faith is to expand upon and grow from the vision set forth by Dr. McGrew, with the added guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Greater Faith’s mission is to continue to win souls to Christ through His saving Grace, by preaching God’s uncompromising word, by teaching the people that “in all your getting, get an understanding” and by giving them knowledge of God’s word, “because my people perish because of a lack of knowledge”. God gave to Dr. Robinson the vision to empower the women of Greater Faith, by establishing a service that was dedicated specifically to Women of Color. Through this service the women were able to gain knowledge of extraordinary women of the bible and the great contributions they made. He encouraged every woman to find themselves in one of these great women. Inspired by God, he started our Monthly Fellowship’s, which allows members to fellowship and break bread with one another in a loving family environment.
Over the past few years our Youth Dept. has developed into a powerful entity within the church that provides leadership, spiritual guidance and comradery among our youth. Housed under the umbrella of our Youth Dept., it encompasses all ages from our toddlers at 1year old to our young adults at 25 years of age. The Youth Dept. embraces all of the young members within the congregation. They have journeyed far beyond from what was established years ago by engaging in activities that bring all of the youth together in a Christian fun-filled environment. They have hosted several Retreats and Conferences and a multitude of special services and events that have displayed the gifts and talents of our youth. The Greater Faith Mother’s Board was a vision given to Rev. Robinson by God to establish because of the many years of wisdom the mature mothers of the church have to offer our younger generation members coming up. Our Mother’s Board keeps us in fellowship by hosting a luncheon each month where we can all sit down and get a good ole home cooked meal.
Dr. Robinson’s goal and vision, as the shepherd of Greater Faith Ministries, is to help the people to have a closer walk and intimacy with God through the teaching of His word. To take them to a higher spiritual level, so that one day they might see His face.